- INtroduction to the Trifler Page 1
- The Trifler, No. I. Page 2
- Studies proper for women Page 9
- The history of Harriot and Sophia Page 17
- A song Page 45
- On reading a poem written by a lady of quality Page 46
- An ode Page 47
- To death, an irregular ode Page 48
- The history of the dutchess of Beaufort Page 49
- The Trifler, No. II. Page 81
- Conclusion of the history of the dutchess of Beaufort Page 84
- The history of Harriot and Sophia continued Page 99
- An account of the vestal virgins Page 115
- The history of the count de Comminge Page 122
- Introduction to the philosophy for the ladies Page 129
- Of the universe, under a general view Page 134
- The lady’s geography Page 145
- Description of Amboyna Page 146
- Natural history of Amboyna Page 150
- The Trifler, No. III. Page 162
- The history of Harriot and Sophia continued Page 165
- A letter to the author of the Lady’s Museum Page 182
- The history of the count de Comminge continued Page 190
- An essay on the original inhabitants of Great-Britain Page 193
- The trial of the maid of Orleans Page 212
- Of the metamorphoses of animals, and the several changes observable in animal life Page 229
- A letter to the author of the Trifler from Maria Page 242
- A letter from Perdita Page 244
- The History of Harriot and Sophia continued Page 246
- A letter to the author of the Lady’s Museum, giving an account of the trial of Earl Ferrers Page 261
- A letter from the same, concerning the execution of Earl Ferrers Page 269
- Essay on the original inhabitants of Great-Britain continued Page 273
- A letter from Agnes Woodbine Page 289
- Of the importance of the education of daughters, written by the archbishop of Cambray Page 294
- History of the count de Comminge continued Page 298
- Of the metamorphoses of animals continued Page 306
- The natural history of the formica leo, or lion pismire Page 309
- The Trifler, No. V. Page 321
- A letter from Perdita Page 323
- The history of Harriot and Sophia continued Page 327
- A letter from Offaria Cellina Page 344
- The history of Bianca Capello Page 345
- Essay on the original inhabitants of Great Britain continued Page 353
- Of the inconveniencies of the common methods of education Page 368
- What are the first grounds of education Page 371
- The history of the count de Comminge continued Page 379
- Of the methods Nature has furnished various animals with to elude the attacks, and prevent the pursuits of their enemies Page 388
- Of the manners and customs of the inhabitants of Amboyna Page 398
- A letter to the author of the Trifler from Perdita Page 403
- A letter from C. D. on a passage in Macbeth Page 409
- The history of Harriot and Sophia continued Page 414
- Essay on the original inhabitants of Great Britain continued Page 433
- The history of the count de Comminge continued Page 449
- Cautions concerning education Page 465
- The natural history of the swallow-tailed butterfly Page 467
- The manners and customs of the inhahitants of Amboyna concluded Page 474
- Description of the island of Ceylon Page 479
- A letter from E. T. with the history of Castruccio Castracani Page 481
- The history of Harriot and Sophia continued Page 491
- Essay on the original inhabitants of Great-Britain continued Page 513
- The history of Bianca Capello concluded Page 520
- The history of the count de Comminge continued Page 538
- On the education of daughters continued Page 552
- A letter to the Trifler from Anoeta Page 561
- The history of Harriot and Sophia continued Page 569
- Lord Dorset to his lady, a poem Page 592
- Essay on the original inhabitants of Great-Britain continued Page 593
- The history of the count Comminge continued Page 609
- Treatise on the education of daughters continued Page 627
- The natural history of the ephemeron, or day-fly Page 633
- A letter to the Trifler from Parthenissa Page 643
- The history of Harriot and Sophia continued Page 645
- On reading Hutchinson on the passions, a poem Page 667
- Shallum to Hilpa, an antediluvian love letter, a poem Page 668
- Hilpa‘s answer Page 669
- The Morning, a poem Page 670
- An ode Page 671
- The history of the count de Comminge concluded Page 673
- On the education of daughters continued Page 686
- Essay on the original inhabitants of Great-Britain concluded Page 695
- The history of the princess Padmani Page 697
- Description of the island of Ceylon continued Page 710
- A letter to the Trifler from Grace Pythoness Page 721
- The history of Harriot and Sophia continued Page 724
- The judgment of Paris, a poem Page 742
- The life of Sir Anthony Vandyck Page 748
- The tale of Geneura Page 753
- Of the use of history for children Page 776
- Description of the island of Ceylon continued Page 785
- A letter to the Trifler, with a dialogue between Socrates and Aristarchus Page 794
- The history of Harriot and Sophia concluded Page 801
- The life of Sir Anthony Vandyck concluded Page 827
- Treatise on the education of daughters concluded Page 840
- A poetical epistle from Busy to Snowball Page 854
- To Ismene playing on a lute Page 856
- Philosophy for the ladies concluded Page 857
- Lady’s geography concluded Page 866