THE Lady’s Museum
By the Author of the Female Quixote VOL. 1. London: Printed for J. Newberry in St. Paul’s Church-Yard, and J. Coote in Pater Noster Row.
By the Author of the Female Quixote VOL. 1. London: Printed for J. Newberry in St. Paul’s Church-Yard, and J. Coote in Pater Noster Row.
DOWNLOAD AS I do not set out with great promises to the public of the wit, humour, and morality, which this pamphlet is to contain, […]
CAST your eyes upon paper, madam; there you may lock innocently, said a polite old gentleman of my acquaintance to me, one day, in the […]
TO prohibit women entirely from learning is treating them with the same indignity that Mahomet did, who, to render them voluptuous, denied them souls; and […]
HARRIOT and Sophia were the daughters of a gentleman, who, having spent a good paternal inheritance before he was five and thirty, was reduced to […]
Set by Mr. OSWALD. […] Think what the hapless virgin proves, who loves in vain, yet […] fondly loves; While modesty and female pride, The […]
I. AFRAID to be pleas’d, and with envy half fir’d, Still wishing to blame, while by force I admir’d, New beauties appearing as farther I […]
I. OH death, thou gentle end of human pain, Why is thy stroke so long delay’d? Why to a wretch, who breathes but to complain, […]
IT has been asserted by the enemies of our sex, that it is the fear of shame which keeps many women virtuous. Had those detractors […]
FROM the account I have already given of my temper and inclinations, it will be readily supposed that the love of power, which our great […]
THE Dutchess of Beaufort was not ignorant that the Duke of Sully opposed all her designs; she knew the power which his wisdom and integrity […]
MR. Herbert having recovered from the astonishment into which he had been thrown by the strange behaviour of Miss Darnley, endeavoured to comfort her mother, […]
NUMA Pompilius, the second king of Rome, a man of great virtue, piety, and wisdom, is considered as author of the vestal institution; though there […]
Written by himself. THE house of Comminge, from which I am descended, is one of the most ancient and illustrious in the kingdom; my great […]
INTRODUCTION. IN the enumeration of those studies which the fair sex may properly be permitted to employ some part of their time in an application […]
ALthough, as I have hinted above, we do not propose to enter into any regular order with regard to particular details, yet previous to our […]
DOWNLOAD/PRINT PDF OF INSTALLMENT AS we have before observed that it shall be our endeavour in the progress of this work to render it as […]
MADAM, WHEN ‘squire Bickerstaff, in the time of our mothers, such a time as, if their accounts may be trusted, is never likely to return, […]
SOphia, as if afraid she had said too much, stopped abruptly, and, fixing her eyes on the ground, continued silent, and lost in thought. Mr. […]
MADAM, AS I apprehend the object of this publication is no less the moral than the literary improvement of your sex, permit me, through the […]
HEaring her speak with unusual emotion, I approach’d her: she was giving her mother an account of what had happened. Madame de Lussan was as […]
THE history of every nation in the world begins in a dark and fabulous manner: nor can any history be more obscure than that of […]
IN the year one thousand four hundred and twenty nine, a young girl named Jane Taré, of the dutchy of Lorrain, declared she had frequent […]
Of the Metamorphoses of ANIMALS, and the several Changes observable in ANIMAL LIFE. THERE scarcely ever perhaps was any system, doctrine, or opinion broach’d with […]
MADAM, IAM one of your readers, and bear you that sort of good will which we naturally feel for persons who contribute to our amusement. […]
MADAM, THE gaiety with which you set out in your first paper, and the agreeable manner in which you acknowledge your fondness for admiration, persuaded […]
AS soon as Mr Herbert went away, Harriot, who had been listening, and had heard all that past, entered the room. The virtue and strength […]
MADAM, I HAVE lately been at one of the most awful solemnities in this kingdom, or perhaps in any kingdom in the world; the trial […]
MADAM, WHEN I sent you an account of the trial and condemnation of Lawrence, late earl Ferrers, I did not imagine that I should have […]
FROM this time may be dated the subjection of our island to the Roman emperors, or, more properly perhaps, to their legates, and propraetors. It […]
MADAM, YOUR receiving and publishing the letters of other people, when without foreign assistance your Museum would be much more to the pleasure of your […]
CHAP. I. Of the Importance of the Education of Daughters. NOTHING is more neglected than the education of daughters; custom, and the caprice of mothers, […]
I passed the night in the utmost agitation, and after having formed a thousand different projects, all equally fruitless and impracticable, it came suddenly into […]
Of the Metamorphoses of ANIMALS, and the several Changes observable in ANIMAL LIFE. BUT the most complete, and at the same time the most universal […]
Nature who has with the utmost care allotted to every species of animals its peculiar place of residence and its peculiar kind of food, has […]
DOWNLOAD/PRINT PDF OF INSTALLMENT Of the MANNERS and CUSTOMS of the Inhabitants of AMBOYNA. THE men and women do not go together to these feasts, […]
THE Arabian proverb, Shut the windows that the house may be light, is supposed to contain some great mystery; and indeed it must be confessed that it […]
MADAM, I Thank you for publishing the letter signed Perdita: it was a prelude to my unhappy story, which I am desirous the world should […]
DOLLY, though encouraged by the sweet condescension of Sophia, who, to inspire her with confidence, freely acknowledged the situation of her own heart, blushed so […]
MADAM, BEING born a Florentine, though by my marriage and long residence here, I am now become English; I cannot without some jealousy observe, that […]
ABOUT the middle of the sixteenth century, amongst many Florentine merchants, who resided in the celebrated city of Venice, was, a company of bankers, called […]
IN the reign of Commodus, or as Beda places it, in the reign of Aurelius, we are told of Lucius, the first British monarch who […]
CHAP. II. The Inconveniences of the common Methods of Education. IT is owing to ignorance that a girl is weary of herself, and knows not […]
‘I Would die, said I, rather than displease you; and I will die if you have no pity on me. What can I do? It […]
Of the methods NATURE has furnished various ANIMALS withal, to elude the attacks of, and prevent pursuits from, their enemies. IN our last Number we […]
DOWNLOAD Of the MANNERS and CUSTOMS of the Inhabitants of AMBOYNA. AFTER having given some account of the habits, arms, and festivals of these people, […]
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