BY THE Author of the FEMALE QUIXOTE. VOL. II. LONDON, Printed for J. NEWBERY, in St. Paul’s Churchyard; and J. COOTE, in Pater-noster Row
BY THE Author of the FEMALE QUIXOTE. VOL. II. LONDON, Printed for J. NEWBERY, in St. Paul’s Churchyard; and J. COOTE, in Pater-noster Row
MADAM, I Take up my pen once more to give you the remainder of my sad story; and am pleased to find that many of […]
MADAM, AS you confess that you are not superior to trifles, will you accept of a trifling criticism, which if honoured with a place in […]
IT was not long before Sophia had an account of Sir Charles’s visit from her mother, who, forgetting the part she had acted before, wrote […]
THE tranquility of Britain perished with Constantine the Great. He was survived by three of his sons, all men of worthless, or of infamous characters. […]
THE meeting between my father and me was, on my side, full of respect, but coldness and ‘I have given you leisure, said he to me, […]
THE polite behaviour and promises of Mandragone, gave such agreeable hopes to Bianca, that with quite another countenance than before, she renewed her conversation with […]
CHAP. IV. Cautions concerning Imitation. THE ignorance of children, whose brain hath as yet taken no impression, and who have no formed habits, is what […]
The natural History of the Swallow-tail’d Butterfly, and its Ichneumon. IN a former Number of this work, our fair readers may remember we gave them […]
DOWNLOAD/PRINT PDF OF INSTALLMENT The MANNERS and CUSTOMS of the Inhabitants of AMBOYNA concluded. THE People who were looked on as the Origines of these […]
DOWNLOAD/PRINT PDF OF INSTALLMENT CEYLAN, Ceilon, or Zeilan, is an island of Asia, in the Indian sea, on this side of the Ganges, near the […]
MADAM, ONE of your correspondents having given you a most entertaining account of the fair and unfortunate Bianca Capello, give me leave to offer at […]
WHEN they arrived at Mrs. Lawson’s, Sophia, who little expected such a visit, had wandered, as usual, in the wood, accompanied with Dolly: Mrs. Lawson […]
IMmediately upon the marriage of Vortigern with the daughter of Hengist, great numbers of the northern nations, under the inclusive title of Saxons, hastened over […]
THE furious Buonaventuri would not let her go on; but starting up, and running to her in a fury, said, ‘Go hang yourself, and then howl […]
AFTER suffering fifteen days the agonies of a most violent fever, I began, tho’ by slow degrees, to recover. The first thing I did when […]
CHAP. IV. Indirect Instructions, and that Children ought not to be urged. I AM persuaded it would be right to make frequent use of such […]
MADAM, IF the title of a literary performance contributes much to excite the curiosity of the public, I can well suppose that the Trifler is […]
WHEN Mr. Herbert returned from his walk, and met the curate, and his little family at supper, Sophia, who heedfully observed him, saw an alteration […]
MADAM, THE inclosed little poem was written by the celebrated Earl of Dorset. It was never published, and may possibly be acceptable to some of […]
OUR modern writers, with indefatigable industry, have given us a most exact historical dictionary of the several Saxon monarchs, who successively reigned in the seven […]
‘BE not apprehensive of any harm, said he to me, as he approached; I come by the command of madame de Benavides: she has had […]
Indirect Instructions, and that Children ought not to be urged. NOW, though we ought not to make a practice of threatning and never punishing, lest […]
The Natural History of the EPHEMERON, or DAY-FLY. THERE is nothing more trite and common than the ridicule which persons unused to the study of […]
Dear Mrs. TRIFLER, I Cannot help suspecting that you artfully mean to cajole your fair readers into sense and seriousness, and that you only bait […]
THE loss of Sir Charles having clouded all Sophia’s views of happiness, she earnestly intreated Mr. Herbert’s permission to settle herself in that humble station […]
THOU, who thro’ nature’s various maze can’st rove, And shew what springs the rapid passions move; Teach us to combat anger, grief, and fear, Recal […]
An Ante-diluvian Love Letter. By a Young Lady. WHAT thought can represent my vast distress? What words the anguish of my soul express, When to […]
O Shalum cease, nor vainly try to move The heart of Hilpa, to receive thy love. These praises of my form I well could spare, […]
THE moon, pale majesty of night, retires, To gild remoter climes with fainter fires: The shadows fly before the breaking dawn, Now rise to view […]
I. AH, why my love that pensive air? Why dost thou droop with secret care? Big tears fall silent from thy eyes, Thy bosom heaves […]
‘I HAVE some important business, said he, which demands my presence in Saragossa; my health will not permit me to take this journey, I must […]
Indirect Instructions, and that Children ought not to be urged. THE simple pleasures are less poignant, less affecting it is true, the others transport the […]
HAVING gone through the whole state of the heptarchy, I find, upon a retrospect of that government, that although particular princes are mentioned and particular […]
AKEBAR, the seventh emperor of the Moguls, inherited the virtues and the courage of the illustrious Tamerlane: all the good qualities of the Mogul princes […]
DOWNLOAD/PRINT PDF OF INSTALLMENT DESCRIPTION of the Island of CEYLON. [Continued from Page 480.] THIS country, though mountainous, is watered by a great number of […]
MADAM, IN a life of sixty-four years, alas how times are altered! when I was young, what dread and reverence were paid to omens, dreams, […]
THE first thought that struck the amazed Sophia was, that Sir Charles, either following the motions of his natural inconstancy, or in revenge of her […]
Sent to the Author of the Lady’s Museum, by a Friend. ‘Nobis forma placet; sapientia, regna, valete.’ DAUGHTERS of Jove, immortal Nine, inspire This artless […]
THE LIFE OF Sir ANTHONY VANDYCK. ANthony Vandyck was born in the city of Antwe […]p, in the year 1599; his father was a merchant of […]
From the Italian of LODOVICO ARIOSTO, in the Fifth Book of his ORLANDO FURIOSO. THE noble Rinaldo sailing to England, whither he was sent on […]
Of the use of History for Children. CHILDREN are very fond of strange stories: it is common to see them in high delight, or in […]
DOWNLOAD/PRINT PDF OF INSTALLMENT DESCRIPTION of the Island of CEYLON. [Continued from Page 720.] ALL the kinds of fruits which the Indies in general produce, […]
To the AUTHOR of the TRIFLER. MADAM, MY brother, who is a great scholar, and writes A. M. after his name, desires me to acquaint […]
SOCRATES one day observing Aristarchus to look thoughtful and melancholy, said to him, ‘My friend, something seems to lie heavy upon your mind, you should share […]
SOPHIA was not deceived when she imagined she had seen Sir Charles, it was really he who had rode by her window, and it was […]
HE drew the marquis Giulio Brignole, a famous poet, on horse-back: he drew also the picture of the marchioness his wife, in which he seemed […]
The Vanity of Beauty and of Dress. THERE is nothing we ought so much to guard against as vanity in young ladies. They come into […]
June 27, 1760. IF we, like men, could envy and malign, At Nature’s, or at Fortune’s gifts repine; When great be insolent, when little mean, […]
WHEN fair Ismene to the grove retires, And joins her warbling accents to the lyre’s; How sweet th’ enchanting sounds! the melting strains, With pleasing […]
Some reflections and deductions drawn from the works of Nature in general. AS we are now on the point of concluding the present design of […]
DESCRIPTION of the Island of CEYLON. CONCLUDED. THERE are in this island a very particular kind of blackish leaches, which lurk under the grass, and […]
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