The Lady’s Museum Project offers a choose-your-own adventure reading experience. Use the side-bar menu to the right or the links below to read the magazine in the sequence in which it was initially published in its entirety, or experience the historic magazine by reading collections of articles as arranged and curated by the Lady’s Museum Project Co-editors. You can read the magazine by series (for instance, all installments of The Lady’s Museum’s The History of Harriot and Sophia series or The Lady’s Geography series in sequence); by genre (i.e., all Lady’s Museum articles that we have identified as “history,” “philosophy,” etc.); or by theme, in excerpted and annotated collections of articles designed for specific pedagogical purposes by Susan Carlile and Karenza Sutton-Bennett as a complement to their forthcoming pedagogical article. Current themes available include women’s education, the serialized novel, and imperialism.
In 2024, we will begin leading scholars internationally in an experimental group annotating project with the aim to edit the Lady’s Museum in its entirety for specialist users to create the first scholarly edition of this historically important and fascinating magazine. Currently, the text is taken from the Oxford Text Creation Partnership and is unedited. Until the scholarly edition is completed, to read the periodical with annotations, please consult our teaching edition.
Suggested browsing methods
- Read the Lady’s Museum in its entirety
- Read Lady’s Museum articles by series
- Read Lady’s Museum articles by genre
- Read Lady’s Museum content organized by theme
- Read, annotate, highlight, and discuss with us in our group on!
Listen to the Lady’s Museum free, open-access audiobook
- Free, open-access audiobook of the Lady’s Museum volume 1 recorded by public, LibriVox volunteers []
- Volume 2 is in-progress; sign up on to volunteer to record a section
Compare our digital texts of Lady’s Museum side-by-side to the scanned volumes 1 and 2 holdings at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University
Thank you to the digital librarians at the Beinecke for their labor in scanning each page and making this valuable document freely available to the public!