Let’s keep the conversation going.
Collaborate with the editors
Kelly J. Plante, PhD, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
Karenza Sutton-Bennett, PhD, University of Ottawa, Ontario, CA
Send us a DM on Twitter: @LadysMuseumProj
Email: the.ladys.musuem at gmail dot com
Get involved
Get involved! Ladysmuseum.com is a social, collaborative project in which we continuously improve the site but also plan to add community-generated content.
Write a critical introduction
Teaching The Lady’s Museum? Have an essay about Lennox, periodicals and/or The Lady’s Museum or early-modern women digital projects that you’d like to publish? Teachers, students and independent scholars are welcome to pitch content to the co-editors of ladysmuseum.com for curation and inclusion into the project.
Annotate or narrate a Lady’s Museum article
We are now actively seeking teachers, scholars, students and volunteers to actively participate in the site development through our Editorial Glossing assignment, Critical Introduction assignment, and Lady’s Librivox projects during summer 2022 and for the fall 2022 and winter 2023 semesters. (Read student testimonials after our guest lecture and their working on the editorial glossing assignment as a class activity then group assignment.) Please contact us if you are interested!
These activities allow the Lady’s Museum Project to serve as a community of eighteenth-century periodical enthusiasts, rather than the traditional top-down editing and reading processes of old. We encourage readers to actively participate in building this site from the ground up—and everyone who participates will receive a byline on the site to link to in their resumes or CVs for publication, editing, and audiobook narration experience in (what we see as) an innovative public humanities project. Our vision for the Lady’s Museum Project: a community-based scholarly and teaching edition of Lennox’s radical-at-that-time text, based in cooperation, coordination and collegiality and in the de-centering of editor and reader, teacher and student hierarchies.
Editorial internships
We have mentored undergraduate student interns interested in traditional academic jobs in editing or copywriting as well as MA and PhD students. A ladysmuseum.com internship arms students with a practical as well as theoretical understanding of historical documentation, writing, and publishing work. Interns could gain a variety of experience in positions such as copywriter, copyeditor, audiobook narrator, and public relations. For an idea of the kind of the flexibility offered to our interns to tailor the work to their professionalization needs and interests, see Reflections on Interning with the Lady’s Museum Project by Spring/Summer 2023 intern Bailey Meyerhoff and Brandeis University’s Internships page featuring information and quotes from Jenny Factor’s experience interning and helping launch our Lady’s LibriVox initiative.
Invite us guest teach in your classroom
Let us know if you are teaching the Lady’s Museum!
We are happy to guest lecture and/or lead a hands-on digital/public humanities workshop for your class, department or organization and to provide publication opportunities.
Read, annotate, highlight, and discuss with us in our group on Hypothes.is!
Provide us site feedback
Your feedback is important to us! Please send any feedback, suggestions and requests for functionalities to support your teaching and studying of the Lady’s Museum.